Maria Falbo
Maria Falbo is an Italian lecturer at UCLA. She has worked as an adjunct Professor of foreign languages and Italian language, including LLP/Erasmus Program (European Union students), at Università degli Studi Magna Graecia di Catanzaro, Italy.
She has taught to Italian and European students of different nationalities. She was also responsible for the final exam. She has developed individual research showing qualitative and analytical skills as well as strong capacity to conduct independent analysis. She has demonstrated the ability to develop goals, and objectives, and implement strategies through lesson planning and teaching experience.
She is also able to conceptualize problems and develop well-reasoned and integrated solutions, as demonstrated throughout her academic qualifications and career.
- 2013 B. A. in Education (further degree) Rome- Italy 2009
- 2010 Master (one academic year) Leadership and Management in Education
- Università Statale Roma Tre – Italy
- 2006 -2007 Master: “Il docente ricercatore di modelli e laboratori didattici e formativi” Department of “Scienze della Formazione – Università della Calabria (Italy) According to the law: (articoli 1, 16 e 17 del D.P.R. 10 marzo 1982 e del D.M. 3 Novembre 1999, N. 509 – (60 credits) (1.200 hours)
- 2005-2006 Master: “Il docente nella scuola dell’autonomia. Analisi pedagogica di dimensioni formative, funzioni e ruolo” Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione – Università della Calabria (Italy) According to the law: (articoli 1, 16 e 17 del D.P.R. 10 marzo 1982 e del D.M. 3 Novembre 1999, N. 509 – 60 credits ) (1.200 hours)
- 2003 – 2004 Master (one academic year) Postgraduate Foundation Module in Literature Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)
- 2002 – 2003 Master (one academic year) in Leading and Managing for Effective Education Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)
- 2001 – 2002 Master in TEFL (one academic year) Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)
- 11/1989 Foreign Language Degree (4 academic years) Università degli studi della Calabria Laurea Magistrale in Lingue e Letterature Straniere Master
Honors and Awards
Maria Falbo has received the following honours/scholarships abroad:
-2007 Scholarship: (Arion Project) – visit for education decision makers. Socrates Program – Visit 06-ITA01-S2A01-00216 Powerful Video Conferencing. Birmingham England, Theme: The European Dimension at School 2002;
-Comenius Program Fellow, within community programs: Testing, Evaluation and Assessment, Norwich (England) as part of a Master’s Program in Language Education organized by NILE of Norwich and Leeds Metropolitan University 30 credits