
Program Overview

The Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies is a new and innovative program that was established in 2020 and that brings together the former departments of French and Francophone Studies, Germanic Languages, Italian, and Scandinavian. We continue to accept candidates for our 3 Ph.D. degrees (French and Francophone Studies, Germanic, Italian). We also continue to accept applications for our terminal M.A. degree (Scandinavian).

Our existing programs are complemented with a broad range of opportunities that we believe will further enhance the experience of graduate education on our global campus. These include:

  • a new Methodology and Professionalization Proseminar offered to all incoming students
  • participation in our annual graduate student conference (see the most recent conference “Permanence & Decay” on May 23-24, 2022)
  • expanded courses and mentorship thanks to an ongoing ambitious multi-year initiative to attract new faculty. Recent new hires include Dr. Kalani Michell and Dr. Raphaëlle Burns.
  • expertise in transcultural and transnational European contexts
  • faculty working in literary studies, visual culture, film and media studies, the experimental humanities (digital / environmental / medical / urban humanities), and on critical thought and issues related to translation, diaspora and race, ethnic and religious minorities, migratory movements, and gender/sexuality.

Admission to the program is by application to the Graduate Admissions Office (1247 Murphy Hall, 825-1711). Students should be aware that all general regulations for graduate study at UCLA are set forth in the UCLA General Catalog and in the Program Requirements for Graduate Degrees at UCLA. The overviews provided here are intended to present the programs’ structure and degree requirements. More personalized programs of study may be designed by students with special interests and needs, particularly if the latter involve other departments or programs. It is therefore imperative that students consult early and regularly with the Director of Graduate Studies