I came into the German program with a German language background and some understanding of traditions and customs, but with little exposure to modern life and thought in Germany. What began as just a class to further my German language proficiency, turned into a newfound joy for the language, a decision to major in German language, and a shift in career trajectory towards international marketing.
The German department at UCLA offers a surprisingly wide array of classes and fosters academic and personal growth in a close-knit atmosphere. The professors are very warm and approachable, and they encourage conversation outside of the classroom to get to know students personally.
The sense of supportive community fostered by the faculty and staff was truly one of the most rewarding aspects of my experience in the German department. We were often invited by graduate students to fun events after class, including “Kaffee und Kuchen,” movie nights, and off-campus language practice in a cafe. Through these events I was able to practice my new vocabulary with professors and native speakers and catch a glimpse into what today’s German culture looks like – right here in Los Angeles!