Contact Us
331 Royce Hall
Box 951535
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1235
Phone: 310-825-1940
Fax: 310-825-9754
For information about the Department, contact:
Student Affairs Officer Deanna Finlay
Phone: 310-825-1147
Vice Chair of Graduate Studies
Professor Maite Zubiaurre
Office: 326 Royce Hall
Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Professor Thomas Harrison
Office: 350 Royce Hall
The administrative offices of the Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies are located in 331 Royce Hall. Offices of the professors are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of Royce Hall. Teaching assistants are located in Royce Hall B05 and B12. For further instructions, see our interactive campus map or driving directions to UCLA.
Campus Parking & Public Transportation
The closest parking information booth as well as Parking Pay Stations are located in Lot 4 off of Sunset Blvd. Daily parking is available for $13 and shorter-term parking is available through both the pay stations and meters. For more information, see our map of parking structures and parking rates in visitor parking.
If commuting to campus via public transportation, visit our transit provider map for route numbers and associated bus stops.