This course is designed for students who’ve completed FR4 at UCLA or with equivalent experience in French. It is taught exclusively in French with a focus on oral and written communication, and the ability to understand and communicate with people from a variety of cultural perspectives. We assume students in FR5 have been introduced to the basic structures of French. Here, they will have the opportunity to use the French they have already acquired to engage more deeply with extensive readings, media and class discussion. FR5 is taught with a blended learning flipped instruction format. Students learn and practice new content online to prepare to engage in classroom interaction. Classes meet 3 days a week. Students in FR5 will be using Conversifi to converse independently with native French-speaking partners on the themes they’re studying in class. These include personal and social identity, looks and style, and the evolution of the concept of family, Students will read a French novel. Students should take the French placement exam before enrolling in FR5 if they have not taken a year of university French. Students with an AP score of 4 may enroll in FR5.
French 5: Intermediate French
Instructor: See UCLA Schedule of Classes