New German Review
About the Journal
Since 1985 New German Review has provided a medium for graduate students, post-docs, and junior faculty to share original research with the academic community worldwide. New German Review is a peer-reviewed journal edited by graduate students in the Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies at UCLA.
Although the majority of our articles focus on German literature, we strive to publish an interdisciplinary journal dealing with the broader field of German Studies. We encourage authors to submit original work that encompasses topics concerned with any aspect of German language (either historical or applied linguistics), German intellectual history and philosophy, as well as German cultural studies (art, film, literature, and theater) from the Middle Ages to the present.
Book reviews, interviews, and translations also make up an important component of the journal.
NGR Online!
Beginning with v. 24 (2009–2010), New German Review is now published––in addition to the print version––online via the University of California’s open-access eScholarship initiative. To either view or download v. 24 click here
We are currently in the process of migrating our back catalogue to eScholarship. Until the move is complete, all of our past volumes may be downloaded in pdf format via the Internet Archives website. To either view or download any of our past volumes click here
Additionally, copies of past volumes may be purchased at a discounted rate. For further information please contact us at
Subscription Info
Subscription rates are $21.95 and checks are to be made payable to “New German Review.” Please direct any inquiries regarding orders and subscriptions to
Both volumes 24 (2010) and 25 (2011) are available (v. 25 exclusively) through the University of California Press Print-on-Demand service. All orders and deliveries will be handled by through UC Press
Latest Volume

Featured Articles from Volume 26:
- Robert Musil’s Literary Ethics: The Man without QualitiesReconsidered by Mette Blok
- Narrating the Date: Brecht’s Cäser und sein Legionär and the Calendar Story by Thomas Herold
- “Die Ewigkeit als Dauereraktion”: Synchronic and Diachronic Abjection in Heiner Müller’s by Pascale LaFontain
- Raumerfahrung zwischen Dorf, Sanitorium und Schneelandschaft: Grenzüberschreitungen in Adelbert StiftersBergkristall und Thomas Manns Der Zauberberg by Laura Marie Reiling
- Eulenspiegel auf dem Pegasus: Wolfgang Koeppen als Stadtschreiber von Bergen-Enkheim by Christian Winter
Call for Papers
Volume 27: Transitions
The prefix trans (meaning ‘on one or the other side of’, ‘across’, or ‘beyond’) has engendered various recent scholarly derivations, such as transgender, transmedia, transhumanism alongside more established concepts such as transnationalism and translation. They all have in common the attempt to venture beyond the single, static viewpoint and create a dynamic notion that considers networks, developments and processes, whether gradual or abrupt, as suitable objects of study. As such, transitions and the derivations above deserve special scholarly attention.
We are seeking submissions from all areas of Germanic Studies and related fields that include, but are not limited to: literature, language, film, culture, philosophy, and the fine arts. Contributions may address the concept or manifestation of transitions in these fields, taking the form of a critical inquiry into the fields’ respective histories or investigating concrete problems including the idea of transitions in or between specific works, media, authors/creators, schools of thought, productive periods, or languages/dialects.
For the 30th anniversary of the graduate student journal NGR (New German Review) of UCLA’s Department of Germanic Languages, we want to stimulate our readers’ imagination to join our journey between one point and the other. We encourage authors to submit works that address the topic of transitions in fields related to Germanic Studies.
Submissions must comply with MLA conventions, with endnotes and works cited. Articles should be between 15 and 25 pages (double spaced), and book reviews should not exceed 2 pages. Articles may be written in either German or English. Please submit manuscripts prepared for blind review in electronic form on NGR’s open access to website: eScholarship
Submission date to be determined. Please direct inquiries to
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must adhere to the following:
• MLA conventions, including the use of end- or footnotes and works cited page
• When quoting German texts use the original language, do not use translations
• 150-word abstract to accompany the article w/ author name
• Articles between 15 and 25 pages; book reviews not to exceed 4 pages
• All submissions double-spaced with 12pt font
• Do not use any pre-formatted style sheets or field codes
• All submissions must be prepared for blind review
Contact Info
Please direct inquiries regarding orders, subscriptions, submissions, advertising information, or any other questions to
If you would like to reach us via mail, our address is:
New German Review
Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies
331 Royce Hall
Box 951539, UCLA
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1539