A photo of Elsa Duval

Elsa Duval


E-mail: eduval@humnet.ucla.edu Office: Royce Hall 228A

Office Hours: Wed, 1:00pm-3:00pm via Zoom

Fields of interest: Medieval History and Its Reception in Contemporary World; Cultural Diplomacy; History of Heritage Conservation

Elsa Duval is a Lecturer of French at UCLA. She is also affiliated with the Johannes Gutenberg University and the Leibniz Institute of European History in Mainz, Germany. Her Dissertation examines the history of the Aachen Cathedral as a World Heritage Site as a part of the research group Knowledge of the World – Heritage of Mankind: The History of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Her research interests are medieval history and its reception in the contemporary world, cultural diplomacy and the history of heritage conservation in an international context. Elsa has degrees in history, archaeology and sociology from the University Denis-Diderot Paris VII, the University Sorbonne Paris IV in France and the University of Bielefeld, Germany. She has previously taught French at Tamkang University in Taiwan.


  • PhD in Contemporary History—Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz—2023
  • Master in Medieval History – University  Paris VII Denis-Diderot and University of Bielefeld- 2012
  • Bachelor in Archaeology – University Paris IV Sorbonne- 2010
  • Bachelor in History and Sociology – University of Bielefeld- 2009