Eric Gans
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Fields of interest: Literature since 1800; Critical Theory; Generative Anthropology; Film
Eric Gans is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the UCLA Department of French & Francophone Studies whose primary research interests include Generative Anthropology / Originary Thinking, literary theory, and 19th-century French literature.
- Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University (with distinction)
- M.A., Romance Languages, Johns Hopkins University
- B.A., French, Columbia College (summa cum laude)
Selected Publications
- “Clouzot’s Cruel Crow.” p.o.v.: A Danish Journal of Film Studies 20 (12/2005): 51-58.
- “John Rawls’s Originary Theory of Justice.” Contagion 13 (2006): 149-58.
- “White Guilt, Past and Future.” Anthropoetics 12, 2 (Fall 2006/Winter 2007) (http://anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap1202/wg): 8 pp.
- “Qu’est-ce que la littérature, aujourd’hui?” New Literary History 38, 1 (Winter 2007): 33-41.
- “On Firstness” (45-57) and “Generative Anthropology and Bronx Romanticism” (153-164). The Originary Hypothesis: A Minimal Proposal for Humanistic Inquiry (ed. Adam Katz), Davies Publishing Group, 2007.
- “Generative Anthropology: A New Way of Thinking?” Anthropoetics 13, 2 (Special GATE Issue, Fall 2007). (http://anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap1302/1302gans)
- “La priméité: de l’origine à l’Holocauste et au-delà.” In René Girard, Paris: L’Herne, 2008, 255-60.
- “Religion et connaissance.” Intellectica, 50 (2008/3): 61-72.
- “René et moi.” In For René Girard, ed. Goodhart et al., East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2009, 19-25.
- “A Brief Analysis of Deconstruction.” Dialectic (U of Utah School of Architecture), 1 (2011-12): 31-34.
- “Eric Gans traduit Les Fleurs du Mal de Baudelaire.” [Introduction and translations of twelve sonnets.] Po&sie 144 (Fall 2013): 146-58.
- “On the One Medium.” In Mimesis, Movies, and Media, Bloomsbury (2015): 7-15.
- “WW II and the Victimary Era.” In Apocalypse Deferred: Girard and Japan. Notre Dame UP (2017): 41-54.
Honors and Awards
- Prix de la langue française – Académie Française 1977
- Chevalier des Palmes Académiques 1982
Professional Activities
- Founded Anthropoetics: The Electronic Journal of Generative Anthropology, May 1995.
- WWW column, “Chronicles of Love and Resentment”, July 1995 – present; 550+ Chronicles through June 2017.
- Keynote speaker at eleven annual Generative Anthropology Summer Conferences: UBC – Vancouver (2007), Chapman U – Orange, CA (2008), Ottawa U (2009), Westminster College – Salt Lake City and Brigham Young U – Provo, Utah (2010), High Point U., NC (2011), International Christian University, Tokyo (2012), UCLA (2013), Victoria, B.C. (2014), High Point U (2015), Kinjo Gakuin U, Nagoya, Japan (2016), Stockholm U, Sweden (2017).