Kimberly Jansma
Senior Lecturer Emerita
Kim Jansma is a Senior Lecturer and Language Program Director for the UCLA Department of French & Francophone Studies. She earned a B.A. in French & European Studies from Pitzer College and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin. Her interest in second language acquisition was kindled while she was teaching English as a foreign language in the Democratic Republic of Congo to multilingual students as a Peace Corps volunteer. Before joining the faculty at UCLA in 1990, she was an assistant professor of French at the University of Oregon. Her research and teaching includes second language acquisition, French linguistics, and curriculum development. She is a co-author of Motifs: An Introduction to French 6th edition (Cengage Learning, 2016) and principle author of Atelier (Cengage Learning, publication date: 2018).
- Ph.D., University of Texas (Austin)
Featured Works
Courses commonly taught
- French 495: French at the College Level
- French 107: Advanced Oral Expression
- French 104: Practical French Phonetics
- French 105: Structure of French
- French 107: Advanced Oral Expression
- French 101: Persuasive Writing
- French 1: Beginning French
Honors and Awards
- The Brian P. Copenhaver Award for Innovation in Teaching with Technology, UCLA, 2004.
- The Lecturer Award for Outstanding Contributions to University Teaching, UCLA, 2004.
Professional Activities
- Chair, World Languages Symposium, UCLA Language Alliance. May, 2016.
- UCLA Language Alliance, Committee member
- Director, French Language Summer Travel Study – Paris
Selected Conference Papers
- “Formal and Casual French Proficiency: Vive la Différence!” ACTFL, Boston, November, 2016.
- “Blended Learning and Teaching: Five Steps to Doing it Well.” ACTFL, Boston, November 2016.
- “Ride sharing and Wwoofing : Task-based Instruction in the Digital Age.” ACTFL, Boston, November, 2015.
- “Transitioning to a Hybrid Model” UCLA Language Alliance, May, 2015.
- “Cultivating Intercultural Competence.” ACTFL, Boston, November 2014.