I started learning German when I was in high school. I had a really influential teacher who made learning incredibly fun. After two years of college, I chose German as my major because it challenged me in ways that I had never been challenged before. It isn’t easy learning a second language, but it is rewarding.
I was nervous starting German classes at UCLA, but after the first week I realized there was nothing to be nervous about. The professors and students all understood that each and every person learns a language at different paces and they were all helpful and encouraging.
The German classes at UCLA were beneficial to me. They helped me to excel in communication, both orally and written, to learn patience with others and myself, and to be culturally aware of differences that occur throughout the globe.
While I was uncomfortable hearing from several people that German is an impractical major, I believe that statement to be false. German is a practical major. It has taught me things that I could not have otherwise learned from being a part of another major. As I mentioned previously, it has taught me cultural sensitivity and to be more open minded to the world that surrounds me. In our current day and age, I believe that to be one of the most important qualities to hold.