UROP International at RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University, Germany, is one of Europe’s leading universities
 of science and technology and distinguished by Germany’s Excellence
The program UROP International is specifically designed for highly
 qualified U.S. and Canadian undergraduates who are motivated to conduct
 their own independent research project at one of the RWTH institutes, 
being mentored by excellent scientific staff from our university, while
spending a summer abroad.

Further program elements include an intensive German language training,
intercultural seminars, and workshops introducing the broader field of
research and various leisure activities. Students will experience a
complete program taking into account all different aspects of their stay

The program‘s duration is ten weeks. The first two weeks are dedicated to an intensive German language course and an introduction to research and culture. Weeks 3 to 10 are settled around the research internship in one of the departments of RWTH Aachen University. Leisure activities will be offered to ensure the students’ integration and exposure to German culture and the international community on campus. All communication will be in English. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive a certificate for both their research project and the language class.


Undergraduate students from North American universities with US or Canadian citizenship or permanent residency who have a GPA of 3.2 or higher are welcome to apply to UROP International. No tuition fees will be charged, and German language skills are not required. Due to the competitive selection process, not all applicants can be offered a place.
In addition, 30 scholarships will be available, to be awarded to students with an outstanding academic record (based on a minimum GPA of 3.2 and a letter of recommendation). The scholarships will amount to 1.850 Euros to cover living expenses during your stay in Aachen.


In order to apply for UROP International visit the UROP Project Database and have a look at the projects on offer. Feel free to register for projects of your interest. After registration, you will automatically receive an email informing you about the documents required for application. You can apply for a maximum of two different projects.

Please submit the following application documents preferably via email to urop@rwth-aachen.de:
• Resume
• Letter of motivation (please include separate letters of motivation when applying for two different projects)
• Letter of recommendation
• Transcript of records


January of every year. Please check the website for details.


Torsten Blut, M.A.
RWTH Aachen University
Dept. 2.3 – International Office
Mobility (Europe, North America, Australia, Japan, Korea)
Templergraben 57, Room 524
52062 Aachen
P. +49 (241) – 8090687
F. +49 (241) – 80 92685
E. torsten.blut@zhv.rwth-aachen.de