Student Clubs
The Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies organizes a variety of academic clubs for students interested in all things French, German, Italian and Scandinavian. In addition, the department is also involved in Pi Delta Phi (ΠΔΦ), the oldest academic honor society for modern foreign languages in the United States, and Delta Phi Alpha (ΔΦΑ), the National German Honor Society, which has chapters at over three hundred colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Cercle Francophone | UCLA French Club
The Cercle Francophone (UCLA French Club) meets weekly throughout the academic year. It offers a setting for informal and fun interactions allowing students to practice their French according to their abilities. All levels are welcome. Guest lecturers address topics of specific or general interest, and students organize activities such as lectures, film screenings, theatrical readings, job information sessions, business visits, and parties. Once a year, le Cercle organizes an Immersion Day, giving students the opportunity to interact solely in French, and to discover Francophone cultures in a fun environment.
To find out about le Cercle’s activities and meeting times, follow us on Instagram @uclafrench. For questions, please contact Dr. Laurence Denié-Higney or Dr. Elsa Duval.
German Club
The German Club at UCLA aims to promote and provide space for German language and cultural learning. Moreover, the organization encourages critical engagement with German art, media, and history to further the aforementioned goals. We welcome learners of all levels.
German Club meets weekly as well as organizes field trips and special events each quarter.
Instagram @ucla_germanclub
Join our mailing list
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Cara Tovey
Italian Club
The UCLA Italian Club is comprised mostly of undergraduate Italian enthusiasts. The weekly meetings aim to promote Italian language and culture through conversation, guest speakers, and cultural activities. Meetings are organized by Continuing Lecturer, Claire Lavagnino.
Follow us on Instagram @bruinitalians and write us at for any questions and to join our mailing list.
L’Indécis au Précis
L’Indécis au Précis (IP) is an annual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes undergraduate on French and francophone cultural topics in the humanities and social sciences. Founded in 2018 by Andrea Arredondo, Nathaniel Bench, and Madeleine Britt, IP is among a handful of student-run, open-access undergraduate journals across the University of California system, and prides itself in serving as a platform for original student scholarship and interdisciplinary dialogue.
IP offers students a space for contributing to the larger scholarly communities surrounding their academic pursuits. With an international appeal, the journal aims to showcase the full breadth of intellectual diversity brought to the fore by student research on the varied histories of the francophone world.
L’Indécis au Précis (IP) welcomes submissions addressing any topic on the cultural, intellectual, or social histories of the francophone world. Broadly, studies may respond to artistic, political, or theoretical developments within the French-speaking world during any historical moment. Our scope is deliberately flexible in order to sustain an interdisciplinary dialogue, promote exchange between student scholars, and share the benefits of diverse undergraduate research. IP accepts papers that employ a syncretic approach and those that are discipline-specific. We encourage authors to offer fresh perspectives on ill-defined phenomena and to recontextualize issues thought to be long-settled, thereby deconstructing the boundaries between the indeterminate (l’Indécis) and the determinate (le Précis).
Submissions may be based in, but are not limited to, the following disciplines: language studies, cultural studies, art history, history, literature, philosophy, classics, anthropology, religious studies, linguistics, musicology, communication studies, gender studies, and others.
Professional Affiliates
The journal’s upkeep is made possible with the support of UCLA’s Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies.
Nordic Club
The UCLA Nordic/Scandinavian Club welcomes UCLA students who have an interest in the Nordic region and its languages. Our regular meetings aim to promote Nordic languages and cultures through conversation, guest speakers, film screenings, and other scholarly and cultural activities. Meetings are organized by Continuing Lecturer, Dr. Kimberly Ball.
Follow us on Instagram @scandatucla
Pi Delta Phi: National French College Honor Society
Pi Delta Phi (ΠΔΦ) is the name of the National French Honor Society for undergraduate and graduate students at accredited public and private colleges and universities in the United States. Founded in 1906 at the University of California at Berkeley, Pi Delta Phi is the oldest academic honor society for modern foreign languages in the United States. The UCLA Gamma Chapter was the third chapter to be established in 1926. Having recently re-instated our institutional membership, we are happy to again offer membership opportunities to the exclusive society for eligible UCLA candidates. As any other certified College Honor Societies, Pi Delta Phi promotes the values of higher education and fosters excellence in scholarship, leadership, service, and research.
More specifically, the Pi Delta Phi Society’s purpose is to recognize outstanding scholarship in the French language and its literature, to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world, and to stimulate and to encourage French and francophone cultural activities. In addition, Pi Delta Phi offers financial support to both undergraduate and graduate students (see below).
Regular Members
Regular members include graduate and undergraduate students at the sponsoring institution who are nominated in recognition of their academic achievement in French. Undergraduate or graduate candidates do not need to be French or French Studies majors or minors to be nominated for membership.
Undergraduate students
The eligibility requirements for all undergraduate students are:
- Completion of at least one course of upper-division French (i.e., beyond the intermediate-level series of courses; at UCLA French 100 and above).
- 3.3 GPA in French, 3.0 GPA overall.
- Sophomore standing (i.e., second year).
Graduate students
Graduate students who are not already members of Pi Delta Phi are eligible for regular membership. The eligibility requirements for all graduate students are:
- Completion of 2 graduate courses in French, and
- Minimum 3.5 GPA in graduate coursework.
Membership one lifetime dues
National one-time dues for Regular and Honorary members are required, and membership in Pi Delta Phi is lifetime. Members receive a pin and personalized certificate, and may elect to purchase honor cords in blue, white, and red. Students, faculty, and others are encouraged to join any of Pi Delta Phi’s free social media and networking groups or fan pages; to submit your candidacy, complete the attached form and return it with the following membership fee (check or cash):
- $55.00—Premium Lifetime Regular Membership (includes certificate, pin, and one set of cords).
- $45.00—Regular Lifetime Membership (includes certificate and pin only; no cords).
Undergraduate Student Scholarships
Application deadline including all of the required materials should be postmarked no later than November.
Graduate Student Scholarships
Application deadline including all of the required materials should be postmarked no later than Feb. 15.
The President’s Scholarship for Graduate Students allows a full-time graduate student who is a member of Pi Delta Phi and who is pursuing graduate work in French or select related fields to study or to conduct research abroad in a French-speaking country. The proposed study or research may take place in an established on-site program or may be independent in nature. The past award amount was $1,000. A new amount will be offered in the near future.
Delta Phi Alpha: National German Honor Society
The National German Honor Society, Delta Phi Alpha, seeks to recognize excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for higher scholarship. The Society aims to promote the study of the German language, literature, and civilization and endeavors to emphasize those aspects of German life and culture which are of universal value and which contribute to humanity’s eternal search for peace and truth.
The Delta Phi Alpha National German Honorary Society began with the founding of the Alpha chapter at Wofford College in 1929, and now has constituent chapters at over three hundred colleges and universities throughout the United States. Delta Phi Alpha seeks to recognize academic achievement in the field of German studies and promotes student scholarship.
- Individual Student Membership:
- A minimum of two years of college or university German or their equivalent.
- A minimum average of B+ (3.3 GPA) or its equivalent in German courses.
- A minimum cumulative average of B- (2.7GPA) or its equivalent.
- Indication of continued interest in the study of German language and literature.
- Individual Student Membership:
- Individual Student Membership:
- Honorary membership is conferred on any person (non-students) with marked literary, scholastic, or cultural achievements and an interest in promoting the language and culture of the German-speaking world, i.e., community members, business professionals, non-German program faculty members, etc.
- Conferral occurs through the same process and with the same fees as regular membership and is based on the recommendation of the constituent chapter.
- Individual Student Membership:
Grants and Scholarships:
Delta Phi Alpha fulfills part of its mission to promote excellence in German Studies by providing funding to recognize strong German programs throughout the United States and to honor and reward student excellence in the classroom. To this end, we employ sound financial management to grow an endowed fund that will be used to finance these scholarships in perpetuity: (
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Cara Tovey