Minor in Scandinavian Languages


The student graduating with a B.A. minor in Scandinavian languages will have a good command of the intellectual history of the region and a developing appreciation of the literatures and cultures of the countries that comprise this region. Students will be well suited to pursue advanced, graduate degrees in programs where an appreciation of the Nordic region would be an asset (international relations, public policy, planning, European history, study of indigenous populations in the arctic, film, design, history of science, medicine); seek governmental or non-governmental employment; or seek private sector work in areas that require expertise with the languages, cultures and histories of the Nordic region. Many students have used the minor in conjunction with engineering degrees, as the Nordic region is a leader in telecommunications, IT applications, engineering, naval design and engineering, aerospace, and pharmaceuticals.

To enter the Scandinavian minor, students must have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better.

Required Courses (28 units): Any seven Scandinavian courses, two of which may be lower division courses selected from Scandinavian 1 through 50.

A minimum of 20 units applied toward the minor requirements must be in addition to units applied toward major requirements or another minor.

Each minor course must be taken for a letter grade, and students must have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better. Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.

*Please be aware that program requirements are subject to change. For the most up-to-date and official program information, please visit the UCLA General Catalog.