A photo of Jean-Claude Carron

Jean-Claude Carron

Research Professor

E-mail: carron@humnet.ucla.edu Office: Royce Hall 228A Fields of interest: Renaissance; Poetry; Literature and Philosophy; History of Food; Critical Edition


  • Doctorat ès Lettres, Geneva Uiversity

Featured Works

Selected Publications


  • “La déconcertante complexité de Tyard: Prudence et stratégies discursives,” Pontus de Tyard: errances et enracinement. Actes du Colloque international de Bissy-sur-Fley (23–25 septembre 2005). Edited by Kushner, Eva, Haverkamp, Claus-Peter, Rouget, François (Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance européenne, 60), Paris, Honoré Champion, 2008: 131-145.
  • “Stratégies de la satire du pétarquisme chez Du Bellay et Ronsard,” in La Satire dans tous ses états: Le “meslange satyricque” à la Renaissance française (Cahiers d’humanisme et Renaissance, 92), éd. Bernd Renner, Librairie Droz, Geneva, 2009: 221-244.
  • “Soupe aux choux et bouquet garni’ : Quand le jardin potager s’invite à la table des grands en France. » Illustrations inconscientes: Écritures de la Renaissance. Mélanges en honneur de Tom Conley, ed. Bernd Renner and Phillip Usher, Paris, Éditions Garnier, 2013 : 375-407.
  • « Les “variants” matériels de l’édition 1587 des Discours philosophiques, » in Pontus de Tyard et la varietas, Actes des Rencontres Internationales, Château de Bissy-sur-Fley, Octobre 11-12, 2021, éd. François Rouget, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2022: 95-118. See https://classiques-garnier.com/pontus-de-tyard-et-la-varietas.html


  • “Bartolomeo Scappis’ Opera : The Swan Song of Premodern European Cuisine.” Gastronomica. The Journal of Food and Culture (Fall 2010): 84-87.


  • Il Cuciniere francioso, François Pierre de La Varenne. A Cura di Jean-Claude Carron (Introduction, Editorial Notes and Co-Translation of Le cuisinier françois, 1651), Edizioni Guido Tommasi, Milan, 2012.

Edited Volumes

  • François Rabelais: Critical Assessments, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1995.

Professional Activities

  • Modern Language Association, Delegate Assembly (2006-2009)
  • Sixteenth Century Society (SCSC): Program Committee Member Member (2009-2012)
  •  Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, Nomination Committee  (2011-2014)
  • Paleography Mellon Fellowship Selection Committee, The Getty Research Institute (2013)
  • Editorial Board, Viator, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCLA (2008-2020).
  • International Charles Bovelles Society (IChBS), Advisory Board (2011-)
  • Scientific Director of the American Institute for Levinassian Studies (Los Angeles), in charge, among other duties, of organizing and moderating an annual series of public lectures on philosophical topics (2016-2018).
  • Recording: “Henri Chopin, ‘Vite’ and ‘Volauvent’,” (reading and recording), Getty Research Institute (GRI), Concrete Poetry: Words and Sounds in Graphic Space, October, March 28 – July 30, 2017.
  • Performance:  Henri Chopin’s ‘Vite” (ca. 2 minutes), “’Paper Pear Paper’: Charting the Course of Concrete Poetry,” The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, April 6, 2017.
  • Hommage à Jean Starobinski (1920–2019): La beauté du monde, Special Session, Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Seattle, January 2020, Organiser and Session Presider:https://mla.confex.com/mla/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Session/8267
  • Symposium in Homage to Michel Jeanneret (1940-2019), UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Los Angeles, October 2020 (Zoom Meeting), Organiser and Introduction: https://cmrs.ucla.edu/event/symposium-homage-michel-jeanneret/